Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?
What has four wings and flies? a garbage truck! i am the master at kara-tay. a five letter word for happiness... money. oh my god! a floating shopping list! ahhh! try one of those radioactive sludge balls you call food? next, i suppose you'll want me to go square-dancing with patrick! ... pants ripped off. huh? someone call the police, there's a pants thief on the loose i had 4 biscuits and then i ate one. then i only had 3! seaweed: 50% sea, 50% weed. it's an alaskan bull worm! we don't really have these powers! the powers are in the costumes. why else would we wear underwear over our pants? squidward, your ceiling is talking to me. this city needs to be destroyed! or at least painted another color. i'll tell you the story of the ugly barnacle. there once was an ugly barnacle. he was so ugly, everybody died. the end. you'll never guess what i found in my sock last night. go ahead, guess! hear me krabs, when i discover your formula for krabby patties, i'll run you out of business! i went to college!.
Isn't this great squidward? it's just the 3 of us. you, me, and this brick wall you built between us. can you give spongebob his brain back, i had to borrow it for the week. it's a vast swirling wonderland of sparkling white pleasure. let it fill your senses with cascading fluffy pillows of excitement, and comfort, as you've never felt before. can i have everybody's attention? i have to use the bathroom. if i were to die right now in a fiery explosion due to carelessness of a friend... . then it would just be alright. that's it mister! you just lost your brain privileges! who you callin' pinhead?! i guess hibernation is the opposite of beauty sleep! soap... soap... what is soap? don't stand too close to a squirrel, billy. you'll catch its stupid. i had 4 biscuits and then i ate one. then i only had 3! now you must develop a taste for free-form jazz it's an alaskan bull worm! that's no reason to be ripping people's heads off boy! the boy cries you a sweater of tears... and you kill him. the line for the tunnel of glove is filling up. they don't call me cheeks for nothing. i've been training my whole life for the day i could finally join the krusty krew..
What has four wings and flies? a garbage truck! i am the master at kara-tay. a five letter word for happiness... money. oh my god! a floating shopping list! ahhh! try one of those radioactive sludge balls you call food? next, i suppose you'll want me to go square-dancing with patrick!... pants ripped off. huh? someone call the police, there's a pants thief on the loose i had 4 biscuits and then i ate one. then i only had 3! seaweed: 50% sea, 50% weed. it's an alaskan bull worm! we don't really have these powers! the powers are in the costumes. why else would we wear underwear over our pants? squidward, your ceiling is talking to me. this city needs to be destroyed! or at least painted another color. i'll tell you the story of the ugly barnacle. there once was an ugly barnacle. he was so ugly, everybody died. the end. you'll never guess what i found in my sock last night. go ahead, guess! hear me krabs, when i discover your formula for krabby patties, i'll run you out of business! i went to college!.
Patrick! you forgot how to eat again! come on, we'll get the funnel. squidward... i used your clarinet to unclog my toilet! it's not just any boulder... ... ..it's a rock! can you give spongebob his brain back, i had to borrow it for the week. who you callin' pinhead?! don't we look vicious and bloodthirsty? oh my god! a floating shopping list! ahhh! try one of those radioactive sludge balls you call food? next, i suppose you'll want me to go square-dancing with patrick! ... pants ripped off. huh? someone call the police, there's a pants thief on the loose y'all better apologize, or i'll be on you like ugly on an ape. do instruments of torture count? squidward, your ceiling is talking to me. mr. krabs, please. i'll prove i'm a fry cook. ask squidward, he'll vouch for me..