Moon Name Description Image
71-Gordion The company building where scrap can be sold. Land here at the end of each quota to sell scrap and buy equipment for further quotas, just ring the bell at the front desk! the gordion moon
Experimentation Experimentation is an abandoned industrialized moon. It features rough landscapes and dead soil. Various old machinery and decaying structures can be found all around the moon. In front of the main entrance, there is a train track and an old train that stretches across the whole moon. the moon experimentation
March March is one of the larger moons in the Thistle Nebula. Boasting a large forest of damp flora and deep lakes, this moon is perfect for more intermediate employees. Enter through any of the four exits, and remember to watch out for the bees! Bees? Bees... Bees! the moon march
Titan One of the furthest and most unexplored moons in the Thistle Nebula. Was previously known as an industrial mine, but is now abandoned. Travel here is not reccomended. the moon titan
Embrion Big robots! Giant Birds! Flamethrowers! Missiles! One should not go here! Very dangerous mean robots that will toast you like a marshmellow! Nothing like my toy robot... -Sigurd the moon embrion