Item Name Description Image
Flashlight - 15▯ A smaller flashlight to help crew members navigate darker areas indoors. Provides a beam of light in front of the crew member to help with better sight. Watch the roof! a flashlight
Walkie-Talkie - 12▯ A walkie talkie that provides long distance communication for multiple employees. Ensure everyone knows how to use this tool before departing! If static noise is heard from the other end of this device, consider leaving the moon immediately. a walkie talkie
Shovel - 30▯ Use the shovel to defend yourself against very rare hazards that may occur. Great for digging, but also for smacking bugs. Shovel snow away on snowy moons! a shovel
Boombox - 60▯ Play some classic tunes with this boombox! Select from a few songs, and hit play! Great for distracting dogs and hygroderes. a boombox
TZP - 120▯ Energy in a can! Use this to run faster and for longer. May make your vision appear green and blurry. [Extended use of this product is not recommended.] don't do drugs